The ONE PARK site is also immediately adjacent to Cherokee Park which is approximately 389 acres which adjoins the 521-acre Seneca Park just beyond it. Fredrick Law Olmsted’s firm designed the parks in 1891 and 1928, respectively. As a designer of major urban parks, Olmsted anticipated dense/intense development adjacent to his parks, which were intended and designed to contribute to healthier cities by offering useable open spaces within the urban core. As the suburban Parklands of Floyd’s Fork encourages new development along its 26-mile linear edge, redevelopment of under-utilized and under-planned sites, like this one, are essential to retain the attractiveness and vibrancy of Louisville’s urban core adjoining Louisville’s urban parks.

The project site is near Beargrass Creek which was realigned along Interstate 64. The creek is a major urban stream in Louisville. Across Grinstead Drive from the site is Willow Pond, a 4-acre water body amenity. It is the only significant urban water body in the City of Louisville inside the Watterson Expressway. This portion of Cherokee Park around Willow Pond presents opportunities for more meaningful, passive water-oriented activities for more visitors to enjoy the park. 
